Luke_L? Computer guys? V. G/f effed up her laptop.

I bought the old lady a acer aspire one little laptop thing so she would have her face book and do what ever else she does on the computer for 8 hours a day.
Anyway it has been working fine, apparently she was using it listing to music on iTunes and it just shut off. won’t turn back on. Don’t even flash a light or anything like there is no power what so ever. Any ideas?
The thing get pretty hot and i don’t believe there is a cooling fan on it. I doubt she ever turns it off.

The power supply could have died…

Where you plug the power into the mother board could have broke off…

with the heat issue it could be a fan that is filled up with dust…

You let her use a computer in the kitchen?

The funny part is she made me a sandwich and it broke after. She must have not cleaned up good enough.

swap batteries out of a known charged unit and see what it does, if the other battery was stone dead, like LZ said, power supply, motherboard solder joint, or if it doesn’t work at all, it’s fried.

I know a lot of women like to use laptops while in bed and such. Usually setting the laptop on a blanket plugging up every form of ventilation turning it into a hot box and eventually hurting some component inside from the immense heat. But if she’s into sammich making I’d be willing to take a look at it :slight_smile:

The Acers have been known to have hardware problems. Is there a light indicating that the laptop is charging? If so, does it light up when being charged? Have you removed the battery an plugged the laptop in and tried booting it up?

yea try this, if you dont take the battery out the laptop will not allow the laptop to start with a bad battery in it.

If you try all of the above and you still can’t get it to turn on I can take a look at it to see if any connections may have bit the dust. Just shoot me a PM.

Thanks for the name throw.

No lights at all. but ill try to take the battery out and turn it on.

Fixed it, Had a min to sit down and look at it. When plugging it in I got no lights at all. So I tested to see if the charger was putting out power at the plug. I peeled back the wire protector and found a broken wire. soldered it back and it works fine. :tup: thanks for the clues and thanks for offering to take a look at it LUKE_L.

No problem. Glad you got it working.

94excivic had an issue with his DSM ECU and some not-so-major, major problems. $2 part got his car running like a top again. More people should try to undertake electronic stuff. I will make a write-up for common do’s and dont’s. I think that would help.

That would be sweet. I have an old rack style stereo I was handed down I’d love to get working again