Laptop powered off. motherboard?

I was just sitting here a second ago watching the Dead Celebrities episode of South Park when my laptop (hp dv1000, 4 years old) powered off. Won’t power back on. When I plug it in, the little icon that it’s plugged in doesn’t show up.


Sounds like the plug is screwed up. Like the battery wasn’t charging and went dead. Try wiggling the cord and see if the light comes on?

battery was fully charged I believe. been done wiggled, no luck.

same charger is currently powering the hp ze4900 I’m on now

overheating? Try clearing out any dust that may be in the vents?

im with ryan… maybe not the plug itself but maybe the port?

how do I go about testing that?

Im not sure… but sounds exactly like what happened? has that port been messed with lately?

EDIT: do you have a back up battery?

ahahah I just watched that episode…I’m in tears laughing at this…omg.

HP are known to overheat. Try and blow canned air in any ducts you can and see if it dislodges dust. If it still overheats after that you probably need to replace the heatsink as the fluid used in them to conduct heat to the cooling fans loses it’s conductivity.

ungh, my roommate’s cousin works for apple and can get me a 15% discount online. 15" 2.53ghz macbook pro is looking mighty tasty right now with 12 month same as cash financing

considering my hp’s battery is beat, i’m having this current problem, it doesn’t have enough memory to run photoshop when any other program is open, and I’m on a bootleg copy of windows…

time to upgrade then… lol.

try to get a battery that is FOR SURE charged and see if its not charging…

If you pull the battery and just run off AC adapter you can rule out the battery as an issue. A battery could short the power out but it’s rather unlikely.

At that age it’s a great candidate for an upgrade tho. :wink:

swapped in a good known working battery from a dv5140 and still wouldn’t power on. nor would the power cord be read.

doubt that it’s the cooling fan, since it’s currently cold and still won’t power on.

Naw…if it’s cooled down and gets nothing it’s not the fan/overheating currently.
If the ac adapter isn’t showing it’s plugged and it’s not running off a charged battery pack you prolly have a toasted main board.

yeah it’s looking like that’s the case. fuck

It needs some chipotlaway

Bet its the video card…

This huge group of HP laptops had this issue where the video card fucks up and takes the whole laptop out…

Did you get any weird video shit happening over the past few months?

This has happened to 4-5 people I know

no weird video shit to speak of

probably a bad stick of ram…if it has 2 sticks try booting with 1 and seeing if either or works…if one is bad ask HP for a new one.

Most of the time it will still boot-up (and beep) with bad memory.