Laptop Problems

Just take the harddrive out and junk the rest…unlike most people i have the adapters to hook the laptop hd up to a desktop and retrieve everything off of the harddrive itself…even if it dies today…i can still get it off

Well my buddy is an computer guru as well as we thuink it may not be the MB afterall,we shall see more this wekend. Xlogic…if it is.i will buy u a cookie:cookie:

devin, i’ve fixed ibm hardware before :kekegay: … let me know if you want me to take a look! - sonny

PM me ur number sonny,i got a new phone and do not have it anymore:doh:

chocolate chip…from Mrs. Fields

aslo just read that they have a smart chip that if it is faling it will shut down the haard drive,maybe a sensor is fucked. Here,read this,thats what mine does…

Sonny,i will call u tomorrow man,thanks