Need a laptop cooler...

My laptop likes to overheat when burning a DVD. i ordered this

thinking it might solve the problem. it did not. :frowning:

I currently have a fan constantly on the laptop, it seriously gets hot enough to cook eggs on.

anyone know of a more powerful one? i dont care if its loud(er), just need one to work.

anyone have experience with something like this?

Without knowing how old the machine is, some preventative maintenance may be more effective than a laptop cooler.

i used to have the same problems all of the time with my old Toshiba laptopā€¦it would get so hot it would just shut down. I had a cooler like the first pic u showedā€¦ maybe a little more expensiveā€¦but nothing like the second oneā€¦ it did no goodā€¦

then I got a ā€œlaptop elevator standā€ type of thingā€¦ it was like a black piece of plasticā€¦ with three ā€œlegsā€ kind of in the back that would put your laptop at a 30 degree or so angleā€¦ that proved the most effective for my compā€¦ and while a lot of times it was just hot from all the useā€¦ it also helped to take one of those cans of ā€œairā€ to the fans and vent areasā€¦ it really helpedā€¦

good luck!

The cooler you have a link to is useless. I had one of those, and one with 4 fans, and they all do freeking nothing! i dont know why, but they put off like 5cfm and are generally loudā€¦ I just resorted to getting a app that runs my internal fans at full bore insteadā€¦

more info about said app?

the laptop is prolly 3 years old, its done this since the begining. ive been told replacing the thermal paste really helps, but thats above meā€¦


Without knowing how old the machine is, some preventative maintenance may be more effective than a laptop cooler.[/quote]

:word: I cleaned out a laptop that would overheat everyday. It had about an inch thick of a fur-like wad in the fan. It has worked perfect since

that was the prob with mine :slight_smile:


Reapplying thermal paste? Your running a old ass laptop, or a MBP?

I have a macbook pro, so its a toaster oven that fits on your lapā€¦

Im assuming your one of the 96 some percent of the world that uses a windoze based comp? Well, i cant help you thereā€¦

What model laptop is this? Has this been a problem since day one.

On a lot of laptops with this issue usually itā€™s a case of cheap thermal tape breaking down over time, and the cooler fins attached. Depending on the model laptop it might be easy to do.

averatec av6130hs-20

Ah, they donā€™t have any publically accessable service manuals. Boooo

back when averatecforums was still around, they said that it likes to overheat, but replacing the thermal paste makes it better.

Yeah a lot of Dells that are a few years old had that issue. Usually was a 20 minute job to fix. The cheap thermal tape likes to crack, and lose effectiveness. Not allowing for any heat disipation

Thermal tape blowsā€¦Artic silver FTW.

If youā€™re looking for some help cleaning it ILC, Boxxa (after he washes his hands), and I have done this sort of thing lots of times before. Id say clean it, or at least get it looked at by someone before spendng anymore cash on useless products.

Word^ I used some artic silver on my MBP and it runs SOOO much cooler now, and the video card dosent overheat anymore even with a 60% overclock :slight_smile:

$10 shipped laptop cooler