monitoring temps on a laptop

is there anyway i can do this on an hp laptop?

it has windows xp. any help please.

hd tune can do this… for the most part monitors the Hard drive temp… should give you a good idea where you sit interms of temperature…

The laptop manufacturer may make a utility for this to give cpu temp and what not… but the easiest thing with a laptop… IF it feels hot it is hot, and if it feels hot its not good for the laptop, so buy a laptop cooler (base)

ty sir.

Depends on what sensors you do or don’t have. Do they typically put temp sensors on laptop hardware?

Also, try this software, takes a little time to configure, but worth it:

whats this laptop cooler u speak of?

Speedfan is a nice pretty accurate utility too


whats this laptop cooler u speak of?


something like that… its pretty much elevates the laptop and circulates air to remove some of the heat… Very Very effective


something like that… its pretty much elevates the laptop and circulates air to remove some of the heat… Very Very effective


ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you sir. ordered.

does it need that second thing they are selling it with? my laptop gets hot enough to cook eggs on.

BikerFry: All new machines come with a variety of temp sensors, proc, HD, and Bat at least. Bat and Proc are the most important, hot batteries 'splode and hot processors smell funny at about 80C