lap top fans??

can lap top fans be replaced?? i think my cpu fan has stopped working.

yes. they slide out rather easy. hard part is just opening your laptop case.

chances are it might just be caked with dust. Try cleaning it out.

fuck that just buy a laptop base… it cools far far better than anything you’ll toss in there

look something like that… about 20 bucks

yes this is what i am finding

ok who wants money to help me out with this problem, Im ready to throw the thing as high as I can up in the air and let it smash on the ground to see if that breaks the case apart.

whats the point if the CPU fan is stuck closed?

yeah, that cooler ain’t gonna do shit if the heat sink is caked up. my girlfriends acer laptop had the exhaust fins of the heat sink plugged w/ dust, it used to burn her lap then turn off from being so hot. opened it up, vacuumed out the heat sink fins, and now it runs cool again.

ill fix it for ya, no money needed, just …well u know what ill take as payment, and no its not a twinkie smartass.

thats tough because i really quit, its been 2 months now and i have no desire to start again.

in all seriousness a trip to burito bay would be in order

pm me your phone # and Ill call you, we can work something out.

  1. the fans on the laptop base don’t give a shit if there is Air flow across the heat sink.

  2. the heat coming through the bottom from “conduction” is going to be pretty significant regardless if the fan is working properly or not. The CPU isn’t the only piece of a laptop that produces heat. The HD, Vid card, mobo chipset, and roms to name a few also produce heat, which the CPU fan does nothing to touch.

  3. though experience, the laptop base(cooler) works 10x better than normal stock cooling.

  4. I’m not going to go any further since its obvious you don’t know anything about heat transfer in a computer.