How to clean your laptop fan:



Holy shit

Thats a quality production… And who the hell designed that laptop?

lol @ “Next time I’m buying a Mac”


Great editing.

Holy shit… this was amazing. Good find!

Did not lol. That kid has WAY too much time on his hands, clearly. :wink:

^well put together… im impressed. :lol:

Haha good shit…

Had that exact model laptop… Willybeen did too, they’re both dead. they had overheating issues… surprise, surprise.

Is it wrong to use a 6 hp shop vac on the inlet side of the fan, causing it to spin backwards, make it sound like a kazoo, and suck out gratuitous amounts of dust bunnies?

I’d never use a vacuum on a computer…take my word for it…it ruins them.

The HP business laptops are easy…3-4 screws, 3 latches, remove the keyboard, boom clean the fan.

oh and that capo was waayyy up high there @ 4:00

fucking gay ass cheeseball

another reason to never own a lap top.

vacuums can on occasion build up static electricity and kill components. this it why air dusters were made lol. but seriously this is why people should buy msi laptops… it would be just a few screws.

this is also why laptops need to be standardized like desktops.

I don’t work on macs, is it any easier to remove their fans?

That was a very very well done video.

No, Macs require like 2 different types of torex screwdrivers, Philips head, and they even have some proprietary tools (not needed, but still)

i liked it