My current project .... designing VERY complete Ford T-bucket Plans ... 56k gtfo

Over on there was a thread for T-bucket plans … and it had ALOT
of interest. everyone was emailing the plans to everyone that asked for them,
so i decided to upload a copy to my web space. Turned out the plans were copywrited,
and whoever scanned the plans used some white out on the companys info

woops … but not REALY my fault … but i was notified about the copyright infringment
and asked to take them down … fine by me …

since i was very well known that i had a copy of the plans … i kept getting requests
for copies … so i decided to start drawing up MY OWN set of plans

ive since received at least 30 requests for copies, and have over 5000 views of the
thread about it on …a and the thread is only a month old

working off measurements located on the web, and using the 2 differnt sest of
copywrited plans i have inmy possesion as references, i went to work, and i have
2 different styles of plans … “classic” and “sparky”

classic is just what it sounds like … the old school T-Bucket with alot of rake to it
and a simple stepped frame

“Sparky” is the t-bucket thats based of THIS CAR The Idea is to go as low as possible,
while still maintaining a safe design that leaves room for teh esentials.



that little red line ^^^^^^^ … is the height of a pack of ciggerettes
Sparky with a long bed that includes enough room for a trunk like in the link above:

Frame for sparky (simple version) bottom half of thi image:

Frame for sparky (Complicated version that allows a lower seating position)

Front 4 link suspension, with coil overs

Front and rear Hairpin suspensions, front is set up for single leaf spring:

Frame Patterns:

Spring mounts for solid front axle, along with frame cutting patterns for a round front crosmember

rear suspension patterns:

3D of the rear hairpin / 4 link bracket

i still have a ton of design work, organizing work and such to do before the first
set of plans is ready for publishing, but im finaly at a point whre i can start
organizing 11x8 “sheets” for printing … and every pattern has to fit within that
size so they can be printed and taken out to the garage by anyone who decides
to build a T-bucket frame & suspension off my plans

some of the above stuff is “early” stuff and some is more “filan design” so youll
notice that ride heights and frame lengths change image to image … but im getting there …

i have aboy 20 MB of plans on my hard drive so far, and thats going to atleast
double bfore im done … weeeeee :slight_smile:

and ive got someone doing a little bit of artwork for the plans too :slight_smile:


im diggin the 2nd one

damn man…thats some really cool stuff right there. good luck with this project for sure :tup:

i drew my whole car at my old job in Paint, it came out really good, got all the way down to the MSD lettering and markings.

:tup: maybe jerry would host it from the computer on the far left, its saved in the SAP LOG IN folder… :tup:

Thats amazing.

Supprised there are no T-bucket/roadster type cars prowling the streets.Needs to be a 1st.ughhh,kill stories could be limitless

:tup: to cool projects

sweet :tup: looks awsome man.

How big is the parts list going to be for this? How much (average) do you expect cost to be for materials to fabricate a complete rolling chassis?

i dont have a price break down, but i will have a materials list for each individual section so that people can price out what it will cost. if i was to build a copy of this car, i would get a full frame car for parts so i could butcher the frame for all the brackets, leaving me to only need to buy the tubing for the frame itself and the control arms … which would be $150-200 if i remeber correctly … possibly under $150

the “better” set of plans i have for a reference is 64 pages worth of patterns, instructions and diagrams

those 64 pages cover chassis, engine mounts, front suspension, rear suspension, brakes and steering, and those 64 pages cover a SINGLE way to build the car, there are no suspension options …

there are also 3 other sections that add another 60 or so pages, which cover the “kit parts” for the t bucket line that company has, a general assembly guide, and a section on how to create wooden frames to stiffen a fiberglass body

my sections will break down something like the following

1)design outline, detailing the various options included in teh design, along with a selection of images showing some of the major options, and a quick background on the reason for the project, along with credits, and mention of who retains copyrights on what (like the art work i posted above)
2)Frame patterns
3a) front suspension section description & basic drop axle assembly
3b) additional brackets for hairpin front suspension
3c) additional brackets for paralell 4 link front suspension
3d) addition brackets for using coil overs instead of a transverse leaf spring
4a) Rear suspension section description and basic bracekets
4b) hairpin radius rod setup
4c) 4 link rear suspension
4d) brackets for coil overs, for traverse leaf, for dual leafs and for 1/4 eliptical leaf springs. along with shock mount brackets
4e) panhard bar fab
5) engine mounts
6) underfloor and underdash master cylinder mounts, with pedal assem’s
7) steering component fabrication
8) misc stuff such as headlight mounts, taillight mounts, bomber seat plans and anything else i come up with along the way

and oh yea … the above “chapter list” … there will be a complete version for the “classic design” and one for “sparky”

some sections will be the ame for each version, others will be totaly different except for a few brackets and such … 2 sets of plans = twice as many sheets … im hoping the total number of sheets works out to lss then 200 …

HRK, BIG props to you on this. I will have to get the old man’s pics of his '23 T up soon.

specs from what I remember: '68 SS chevelle 350, high-riser, radical cam w/ 270? duration, TH350 w/ 3000 stall, tube headers, one-off chassis, 4.11s that got dumped for a set of 4.56s (and a nice story to with), MT’s out back, harley glide fronts in the nose, WILD paintjob (very '60’s) and a '23 registration.

which allowed, legally: single, “lantern-style” taillight, no belts, bus-steering wheel w/ spinner, low mount lamps, etc., etc. he said it topped out at 85. “got there in a hurry…” probably weighed about 2000 lbs or less, bucket was 'glas.

oh yeah, he got some magazine shots and some autorama trophies. big soft spot for the buckets man, ain’t nobody our age doing those anymore, and it’s a damn shame.

:tup: :tup: :tup:

gonna charge for the plans? could be a decent way to make some money…$50 per set of plans or even more, i dont know what people would be willing to pay

i have taken road vehicle dynamics/suspension design courses and am pretty good at engineering/design and i can honestly say there are far too many nuances in suspension design for me to even begin to design plans in my spare time.

i don’t know you well enought to say that this thing will be a cluster fuck, but it will definitely be a clusterfuck.

a basic set of plans goes for $25, and theres a very “in depth versions” that get $100 when they pop up on ebay

i doubt that i will sell them on ebay, as a number of things will be direct copies off of some hotrodding forums, and im not sure if it would be stepping on anyones toes to sell something off a general forum, plus some of the art will be property of Jason Battersby … so id have to rehash the plans to change them from the free version im doing to a sellable version

no more of a clutser fuck then any of the scratch built suspension designs that any normal street rodder comes up with when building his own suspension

and on top of that, the rear suspension is based of commercialy available setups, and will be posted on for approval by the suspension guru’s before the full plans are released

if you are copying existing setups, that is one thing, but don’t call it designing…

goes straight? good enough for a T. as long as it hooks.

like i said ealier, i have plans im using as an outline, im researching how others have built similar parts, im taking the advise of professionals, and im creating my own plans

at this point …theres one entire part that any company would be able to say “thats our design” … but theres 50 companies that could say that because its such a simple part

yup :slight_smile:

god dammit, take my job when i move or something. you know your shit and you just need cash to put together a really nice ride, man :tup:

Very cool. Big thumbs up to someone who is working on developing and creating his ideas instead if sitting on his ass and whining.