My Dad bought a go kart today...

…for my 10 month old nephew!

SO needless to say I had to test drive it all evening. My yard got turned into a dirt track by night fall. Maybe I’ll get some vid tomorrow for entertainment.

thats cute

I used to drive a Neibors back in the day.

I want to drive the go cart:hsdance:

my kids have one, 6hp with a solid rear. does donuts with me in it.


Lol you can always teach them the nascar way and turn left. doughtnuts are always a winning thing.

cute kid…thats awesome, man. :cool:

this one is claimed to be a 5 hp. It needs the air/fuel tuned because it seems like it could run a bit better under WOT. It still moves my ass around though. I have a 12hp sitting around too…

we also have the G-Scooter too. Pics aren’t working in the old thread so here is a partial scooter shot as we were racing yesterday: G-SCooter got owned with its top speed of 23mph and my fat ass on it.

hahah… nice
