My Dad's finally blingin

So finally after recieving them 5 days ago, having to buy 2 different sets of spacers, one set of adapters, shaving the calipers, having the old 60 series tires rub, and having to go to goodyear and wait 3 hours for them to put 4 new smaller series tires on. :bloated:

They are finally on, but just got dirty with all the rainā€¦sorry for the low quality pics :frowning:

he also needs to paint the calipersā€¦ they are brand new, obviously after fully restoring the whole carā€¦but he def needs to paint them.

I plan on taking it out later today, if it stays sunny outā€¦taking some new pics out in the middle of the country.

I hope you all enjoy. He loves them, and has always wanted themā€¦ so Iā€™m happy for him

They are the Cragar S/Sā€™s 15 x 8ā€™s

I think they are the :pimp: est rims he coulda gotten

Does your family like red cars? lol

Looks hot :tup:

haha yes, 4 out of 4 cars are redā€¦but thats going to change soon

we didnā€™t mean it to be that way, it just kinda happened :slight_smile:

75% of our cars are red manuals

stupid mom and inability to drive stick fuxors us up

those rims def. look nice on that car your dads got good taste

nice :tup:

looks good

Canā€™t go wrong with chrome S/Sā€™s. Car looks great man :tup:


cragars = the win :tup: lookin good

Cragars look good on older carsā€¦my friend has a set on his PIMP 81 Monteā€¦looks goodā€¦lot of wheel gap up front