My Dog Piston loves the snow!!!

Wait wait wait… You’re going to have beagle pups in the summer? If so I will take 1, mark it down right now. I’m looking for another beagle b/c ill be moving out and taking my beagle with me, and my mom wants another one… PM me if your serious about the beagles.

Yes we are serious. She should go into heat in Feb. Puppies should deliver in May. You should be able to take one home in July. Her last litter had 8 puppies. We sold them all before they were ready to leave. We kept the runt. The runt is bigger than the others now. Anyway… We will keep you in mind for 1st pick of her next litter. We sold them for $150 with first shots.

$150 with first shots… Please do keep me in mind, I will be very interested in purchasing one… I’ll PM you, I have some simple questions and the such… Thanks :smiley:

My girl loves the snow too, I think… Actually she isn’t real fond of it… My dad found her at a hunting camp of his buddies in Somerset county, laying on the porch half frozen and almost dead… someone dumped her because she either 1) wouldn’t track scent or 2) had a defect (her tail got caught in something and only has about 2" of white instead of 6")

Her in the snow and just hanging out on her favorite chair.

she looks like our female. here are a few pics taken this morning first two are the momma last one is the momma the one of her puppies and our min pin

I love beagles

aww i want a dog sooo bad!!

I case you didn’t know already… Eurodad is my hubby… that is why he posted pictures… feel free to IM either one of us with questions…