My Motor comes friday

I wish it where that easy :rofl:

N20takes care of yoo

I aint scared

you keep saying the bottle will take care of me too, you might need a little more than the bottle though

ok then bottle^2

bwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh my car will be on the road soon enough we can test it out

LS1 will take you down :cool:

Can the driver accomplish that too?

anything else you want me to add?

nope, not in his case

why does everyone think im a bad driver, cuz ive been to the track once in my life and went high 13s. i beat macs srt from a dig and it went like low 13s or something. didnt 00blackss run like 14s in his ss or something? i dont think im that bad am i?

yes i did run a 14.00 where u there for my run, idk about urs, but i had traction issues, and thats when i messed up my rearendā€¦i get my car back fridayā€¦wanna run em?

come up the road a bit, Iā€™ll run youā€¦I went 12.7 with 100 less hp and 150 less lbs/ft torque than I had then

you both suck.

traction issues i got 4.10s so trust me i had them too. im always up for a race but the weather is gonna get nasty tomorrow night so maybe a month or so. glad to hear your gettin your car back

i aint scared


iā€™ll run in crappy weather if you come down my way

fuck cares about weather, it will be windy oh wellā€¦soo what u got 4.10sā€¦u prob. were not running futuras or w/e those pep boy tires are