My newest decal offering! GTL content inside!

do you have your own website for stickers?

and i still need either pink or purple shift stickers. but i still need to get the shit off my windows before any stickers go on my car so no big rush.

Not yet. Any business I have is word-of-mouth. Going to be making a website soon, or at least having someone make one for me.

I got all the shift stickers sitting here, let me know when you wanna meet up for some.

Is that Turbo Travis?

Do you have any of those special stickers? You remember… ehh I’ll PM you

you done did that one wrong. well, 1/3 wrong. it needs to be “gym” > “tan” > “fist pump”

After your comment, it’s “Gym-Tan-Facepalm.”

:rofl ^^


That very well might be me in Toga here in a couple weekends. I’ve cut the drinking down to 1-2x a month, but I’m long overdue!

kiiiinda want one of these :lol

you obviously don’t watch the show.

you wont buy one…you arent as cool as i am!


Can you make one for me like this?

You have a PM, but editing your post.

Cool. Sorry, probably should have sent ya PM hah. Thanks.

Price lowered for Shift members!!!