My old dorm room from college . . .

My old dorm room from college, had a little makeover


Subject: Freshman MIT Students Automate Dorm Room

Atricle: Two freshman MIT students have automated their dorm room, complete with a big red party button which generates an instant party. Their custom-engineered system is called MIDAS, the Multi-Function In Dorm Automation System. According to the MIT News office, "Gone are the light switches and glaring fluorescent lights of a typical dorm room. Zack Anderson and RJ Ryan’s room has several lighting schemes, remote web access, voice activation, a security system, electric blinds and more … With the touch of one red button, their dorm room becomes a rave. The lights go out, the blinds close, the displays read, “feel the energy” as a voice repeats the same phrase over a deep bass beat


you didn’t go to MIT


And looks like they like to do a lot of X


LoL thats awesome. Im gonna have that for my whole house one day. Just a giant red button i hit and all this crazy shit starts happenin :smiley:

haha. it atomatically beams howie from wherever he is, into your living room, all chucked up in an ass kicking machine.

LOL. FTW. It beams him right on top of my living room table with a huge fucking kareoke machine right next to him with “she bangs” playing with da mic in his hand. INSTANT PARTY indeed. :biglaugh:

edit: while kicking his ass.

lol. i need to make this happen. :tup:

I can sell you everything that you need to make it happen minus the startrek beam howie down device. The red push button is just a rockwell twistlock pushbutton, and it is mostly a very simple control circut. Automating your house isn’t too hard, just costly… but for a quagmire style living room, can you put a price tag on it

thats freakin schweet…hahahahahhaha