Chris07ss living in the quiet dorms

As some of you already know, I attended Siena College for a year back in 2007-2008. What you DIDN’T know, however, was that during the entire time that I lived there, I was living in the “quiet” dorms. :rofl

Basically, these are dorms that kids who have no social skills whatsoever request so that they don’t have to communicate with anyone on campus any more than they need to. It’s basically a “study 24/7” type dorm.

I am the complete OPPOSITE of these kids. The only reason I got the dorm in the first place was because of a lottery system. My old roommate’s roommate could no longer afford college and thus the dorm only had 1 kid living in it (this happens sometimes). Because of the lottery, they picked ME of all people to live in the quiet/no fun dorms :rofl

Unfortunately for these kids, the two kids who lived next door to me were also luckily drawn on the lottery system (like me) to live in the quiet dorms. They also were socialable people, if you will. So basically for the entire time that we lived there, we fucked with all of the kids that lived in these dorms. They HATED IT, seriously, when I say kids who don’t do anything while living at college, I am not exaggerating one bit.

He only let me video tape him because I told him that I just wanted to take a video of the room to send to my parents back at home (I acted like I lived with the royal family or something). Also take note of the religious channel playing in the background. That is what my roommate liked to watch on TV. :lol

So basically in the video what we have is my friend Steve unplugging the kid’s internet connection while he is in an “IMPORTANT” game of Halo or whatever the fuck he was playing on his computer. Apparently Steve and my old roommate (playing on the PC in the video) went to school together from K-12, and Steve used to pick on him the entire time. :rofl So they hate each other. Oh, and the kid on the computer (my roommate) was majoring in religious studies…total tool.
His reaction (if you want to call it that) is hysterical.


Second story (airhorn edition):

One of our “quiet residents” apparently had to use the facility really badly. Taking notice of this (I was probably on beer #9 or 10 at this point as you can see with the stumbling in the upcoming video), I grabbed my airhorn and I too headed for the bathroom armed and dangerous.


i no haz video?

LOL So you’re kind of a douche, eh?

In these types of situations, yes, very. :rofl

It’s uploading. I apologize for posting prematurely.

sounds absolutely hilarious, can’t wait to see the video :lmao :lmao

Waiting for the Lols… :smiley:

Bump for video.

“can you plug that back in please?” is all he says?? :rofl :rofl :rofl

i like the airhorn vidz on your facebook better :lmao

I will share the rest eventually, there are a load of publicly-humiliating videos on my hard drive. :lol


post these air horn videos kramer speaks of

Yea the airhorn was a good prank, put it up here!

I have a bunch of videos of Steve and I walking past girls with a fart machine to see their reactions. :lol


the kid across the hall from me lives on his xbox360, so the other day my roommate and i hid his controllers and he threw a fit, basicly turned his room upside down looking for them and still had no clue as to where they were :lol

This reminds me of a video we made last year. It’s before some formal dance thing, and we’re on my buddy’s back porch boozing. We decide to throw a smoke bomb onto the porch of the house next door (my house) to piss off my roommates. The whole back of the house was filled with yellow smoke. They fired back with bottle rockets.

It was great times.

Wow so thats what ridilin does when it actually works.

Man shit like that is what college was all about. Fucking with people in their rooms and stuff.


I put up the airhorn video in the original post. I actually laughed at that, I haven’t watched it in a while. :lol

“This video is not yet processed.”


I put another link up (from douchebook), try that one.

That video was retarded.I was expecting some kind of funny reaction from the kid.:wtf

Haha, youtube video works now.