Chris07ss living in the quiet dorms

Watch the second one I put up if you want a funny reaction.

Haha, the airhorn was good too.

My Junior year I lived in a town house. That spring there was some people playing frisbee in the lot in front of my building. We went out behind out building with a bunch of water balloons and a 3 person slingshot and started shooting. We nailed one girl right in the chest.

Later that day we went up to the third floor window with the slingshot and launched several balloons from my building into an open window on the second floor of the building across the parking lot.

I’ve run around freshman dorms in a chewbacca costume screaming, with a friend of mine ‘chasing’ me. We did this at 1am one day during the week of midterms.

I was duct taped to a door (as in off the ground).

Around halloween one year we started taping pumpkins from around campus up against this kids door. The idea was that he’ll open the door in the morning for class and all the pumpkins will fall in on him. We got told to take it down by public safety though.

Man, I miss college.

this weekend im pulling some pages out of the chris leo playbook (buying an airhorn and possibly other bullshit prank devices and buying a ridiculous halloween costume :rofl)


if you’re home on break hit me up, i have plenty more ideas for you to try out. :lmao

i’ve got a 5:15 bus from port authority up to ALB today :excited

shoot me a text so i have yo’ numbah, mine is in the detailing link in my sig.

i dont have shit to do tonight so hit me up kiiiiiiid

at first i thought my roommate was a cholo (rich long island kid) but after getting to know him a bit he’s fucking hilarious, he’d be down for all kinds of pranks on the ~28 other people in our hall :lmao

The kid who roomed with Steve in that video was Guido.

Crazy kid, but he was a total dick to all of the kids in our dorm too so he always helped us out with pranks. We removed the TV during the kid’s big important Halo Tournament while he was at class and replaced it with a cardboard replica with a giant penis drawn on the front of it. :rofl

We went well into detail with it, even had a cardboard remote with porn shortcuts on it as well. :lol I have pics somewhere, I’ll have to look for them.

Hahaha, that is fucking great.


I need to find the video where I got blackout drunk and hid in one of those kids’ closets when they were getting ready to go to sleep. Pure hilarity.

That’s why you don’t leave your door open at night when you go to the bathroom, drunks like myself might sneak in and cause problems…


Wow, u must be really bored. This is in way too many posts!

chris i think i have you beat with the college pranks. this is all i have time to upload before work

Bucket FULL of water…
Explore Brian Seitz

We did that but with one of those full industrial garbage cans. :lol

Do you have the video where we were all drunk at your dorm and we put that traffic cone in front of that kids door and started knocking on at it at around 2am? Then he opened the door all pissed off and kicked it down the hallway :rofl

That was the night Rivette and I came to St Rose I believe.

Sounds like youre in the right dorm to me Chris!!


I want to go back tonight for a little “visit” but I have prior obligations to attend to. :frowning: