My sister's car

Friday night drunk driver in the south side. She wasn’t in the car. Luckally for that dude. Hers is the blue Acura. He fucked up 4 cars and flipped his Jeep. :madfawk:

But that thing was a pain in my ass to fix soo… :slight_smile:

man that sucks

damm thats bad now sell her the stang

that really sucks

Well as long as she wasn’t in the car, I assume the guys insurance will pay for everything right?

NO STANG for the little sister. She can drive the daytona…er, maybe she can just walk for a while.

We’ll know monday what his insurance will do. The cops didn’t let him stick around long enough to exchange info.

wow that sucks.

that blows…

someone had to—

pics of sister.

that sucks.

wow that sux

Two good reasons no one needs to ask.

:mrT: I pitty the fool

:pfft: :slight_smile:

What does that mean?

it means in a joking way that they are only guns, they cant hurt me.

that one on the left is worthless anyway… look at the way the clip is falling out

Wow, that looks bad… almost bad enough to be totalled. That would suck.

man that sucks big time!!

fuck southside.

that sucks…

damn, the dude had to be flying through that neighborhood