my turtle


sorry to hear about the little fellow going awol. :hs: hope you find him!

exactly why turtles are not good pets they are so fast you just cant keep up


i think he may be a goner… oh well natural selection, stupid reptile

:rofl: :rofl:

try putting a bell around its neck if you buy another one.

i found her last night!!! we were watchin TV, my wife heard a sound behind the entertainment center and there she was crawling out. :bigok:

scratched up her shell, but no worse for wear. we thought that

might have picked her up and left her somewhere :hsugh:

thats awesome.

wow that’s a long time, that’s awesome that you found it!!! Now put low-jack on the little bugger!!! :bowrofl:

or glue one of those key finder with remotes on her shell… :rofl:


That’s wicked! How long has it been?

I second the low jack idea

thats awesome dude

hows your turtle?

i like turtles

wow i assumed shaggy would have pulled this one out.

You know it…

your turtle molested my turtle

my turtle beat up your honor turtle.