Reptile Owners Come in

Wondering what everyone here has

Reptiles owned-

Alligator snapping turtle (aprox 25lbs), I have had him since 2001 when he was the size of a quarter
As you can see in the pics hes a big funky prehistoric looking creature with a bad disposition, he lives in a kiddie pool in my spare bedroom, he comes out sometimes and wanders around the room, we keep the door closed so the cat dosent get around him : )

I tried to use a plate for reference but he wasnt up to holding still so I threw a $50 on his back as a point of reference, he is a little funky in the second pic, I tried to clean him up some for the others but suprisingly he dosent like that either : )

Florida Yellow Mud turtle, I have had him since 1992ish, again not a pretty turtle, pretty ugly , he cant be with other turtles as he will kill and cannibalize them, he dosent bite humans though lol

Spiny Softshell turtle- just bought online, arriving tomorrow, pics to follow

Box turtle- didnt get a pic but I have owned her since 1987-1988 ish, yes I said 1980s!

Ball Python (aprox 4 foot)- She likes to hide in newspapers, adopted from R.A.R.E. have had about 18 months, shes very friendly and dosent bite

So post up what you’ve got and pics if you got em!

Current Pets:
Asian Box Turtle
Russian Tortoise

Pet let go of:
Crazy snapper turtle I found after I crashed my Impreza. Found him on the bridge by the sewer authority on Bailey near Abbott. Almost stepped on him because I thought he was a toy, boy was I wrong. Let him go about 5 months ago because he was getting too big. Let him go at the creek at the end of my street on Evelyn. :frowning: Hope he is still alive

I just have a painted turtle have had him about 4 years now have been wanting to get another one and maybe some tortoises

Not the best pic but here he is Grody

Through out my youth Ive probably had over 200+ turtles. Painted, mud, red-ear, snappers. Every summer I would have a kiddie pool filled with them. At one time I had 16 common snapping turtles at once, their entertaining.

IMHO, owning a reptile is around the equivalent of having a pet rock… I dont see what good pets reptiles make? no personality… little interaction… no care!

Just how I feel

you must have never owned one
They do have personalities and even recgonize people
If anyone besides me tried to pick my snapping turtle up they would get fucked up

Lol… but would he detour a break in attempt…

Just Kidding… I guess i would have to own one

any animal that has walked with dinosaurs, has remained virtually unchanged for millions of years, and will be here after you and I gets props from me

They must be doing something right :gotme:

i want to get an alligator.

how is that relevant to how good of a pet they make?

what the hell do you feed the snapper?

used to be a HUGE regular snapper at the golf course i worked at, people would try and chase it with a golf club and it would just sit there and hiss and get nasty.

I don’t, but my GF has a RES that’s about the size of a large desert plate, and I don’t know the official name of the other one but she tells me the breed is nicknamed a “florida stinkpot” that’s about 2" across.

fish, minnows, rock, golf balls, fingers, and toes!

My roommate has a snake… i dunno really what kind it is. I think its a boa…and it doesnt eat… i want to make a belt out of it.

god i wish i had pics of my bearded dragon he RULED

Thats my bearded dragon Taz. He’s 9 years old now.

Since this thread is here. Do anyone know of a good reptile vet? My bearded dragon has this large lump on his throat (not shown in pics) for a while now and i would like to get rid of it. I’ve gone to this reptile vet on transit rd. twice now for antibiotics. First kind was oral antibiotic and the 2nd kind (im giving to him now) are injections. Neither of which work, so i would like to take him to another vet.

Contact RARE-

membership is $50 a year but it includes free vet care for your reptiles

Either that or The Orchard Park Vet clinic used to have a Dr there who was very good with reptiles , I went there in the past but all my guys have been healthy for the past 5 or so years so I dunno if person is still there

hope it is not some form of cancer.

Heres my new spiny softshell, he was born this summer, being under 5" of course he is not going to be a pet and is for “educational purposes” :nono:
The white stuff on him is packing crap, I have to go out and get him a tank today, I wanted to see how big he was before I bought one, I thought he would be 2-3 times the size he is but he is VERY active and should do fine

I got him off , they have lots of turtles and tortioses, the only draw back is you have to pay for next day shipping which is about $25

I have 4 Leopard Gecko’s, one is breeding male and the rest are females (obviously). Bought them about 5 years ago, the male is 7 years old, the eldest female is 6 and the other two females are 5.

Btw, if anyone is looking for good starter pets I’m actually looking to get rid of a few. I love these things, really easy to take care of, and they have unique personalities I’ve noticed (The male seems to have a thing for my bird) and the older female likes to watch TV (oddly enough).