loiselli Cichlid *pretty rare*

im posting up my loiselli cichlid, he is south american (obv) and is a really awesome fish, he is always curious as to what you are doing, will come to the top for his food and loves smaller fish (ones as big as him he doesnt like too much cause he is the alpha motherfuck. here are some pictures. im looking to get 20$ and if you buy him ill throw in a JD and 2 black convicts (mated pair)

look at them finsss!!!

lock 1



I have two of them…

they arent THAT rare lol

We have 3 of them at work

I have 6 in my toilet… Not very rare.

how did they taste?

didnt mean rare but not that easy to come by like JD’s, parrots, oscars etc etc etc

got anymore arowana’s? Mines about 12" now…

I just also picked up a Stone fish…He’s badass. Too bad I didnt know he was venomous before I bought him LOL

ughh i want an arowana those things are sick, dont think he would get along with piranhas and im not gonna put one in the 55 lol

lol you would be suprised!!

Arowana’s are badass. I bought him from eddys about 6 months ago, he was about 6"…now hes 11"

he’s in a 55 right now. Still swims freely and all but I need to step up to atleast a 75 within the next year. I was reading online a few minutes ago that they can live 20+ years in captivity…thats longer then I will prolly live lol

thats the thing i wouldnt want to start in a 55 cause switching tanks stresses them out, and crowding also does so i would stick em right in a 125

Nice fish dude!

their pretty hardy fish.

The one I have actually jumped out of its tank at eddys when they were trying to get him from the very top…landed on the cement floor. Picked him up, he was just floating upside down in the tank for about 30 seconds then started going ape shit. The guy said He would keep him there over night to make sure he was ok before I bought him, but I watched him for a few minutes and said I will take the risk…

Brought him home, few hours later he was eating Krill in his new tank.

I actually just moved from one apartment to the other a few weeks ago…I grabbed him with my hands, threw him in a cooler and threw him in the tank setup in the new apartment…few hours later he was eating like normal

thanks and the top side of him isnt from the lights, thats his color; pink and it has a blueish tinge to the top of his head and he changes the darkness of the black spots on his side, when he is fed live feeders he turns real dark when he is stalking them or chewing on them haha

thats awesome, one of the piranhas did that, i was putting them from the tuppaware storage bin to their 125G home and one freaked when i grabbed it and he fell out of my hands, put him in and he layed on the bottom for a few seconds and then was fine haha, and now he is the biggest, fattest and has the biggest teeth out of all of them, prob knocked something loose haha

real Piranhas? Or Red Bellied Pacu’s?

They did that with my 5" Bala Shark, motherfucker fell 6’ on the floor and is still kickin. Love that little guy

red bellied piranhas, real ones…ill take a few pics

I have a betta, hes purple, and named french fry.