loiselli Cichlid *pretty rare*

where did you get them??

are they the only fish in the tank??


you just let me worry 'bout that. i got 'em thats all that matters haha

and yes they are other than a pleco thats as long as my arm

god damn

I honestly dont think they would bother a Arowana…arent they scavengers?

no not at all haha

and im not gonna try it cause a baby arowana is like 100$ and im not gonna waste it, they ate a fully grown oscar before haha

sorry for the shitty pictures, just realised my lenz was covered in shit

No arowanas in , need a bigger tank for that guy !!!

And yes… Stone fish are poisonous , and hurt alot worse then lion fish

Hope you are not allergic to bees!!!, Lion venom and stone fish can put you in a serious allergic reaction or even Cardiac Arrest !!!

Happennd to an older guy thats a customer then got stung by his full grown lion. Went right into cardiac arrest and had to get his epi-pen shot. Guy got fucked up

yah im not allergic.

Still scares the fuck out of me tho! lol

I see quad posters in the background…

do you ride??

Recently sold both of my quads when I got old enough to drive and had no way to pull them to ride and now we have 3 jeeps and a trailblazer and no quads, worst decision of my life

Is your fish still for sale? This thread is rediculous.

Yes it is, come get em so I can start stocking Africans

answer your phone

wat? :lol

in my basement :ninja

:ahh :rofl glws man, thats a nice looking fish

haha thanks

I play Fishville. I gotz the rare fishys.

I have a couple of those, not very good fish

what classifys as ‘not very good’

They’re just bad fish. For example, mine purposefully splash water out of the tank onto the floor so people will slip and fall. It will tap into the glass to make the dogs think someones knocking at the door. Also, every time I clean the tank, I put them back in and they shit and throw up on purpose. Not my idea of good fish.

yours must have something wrong with it, sure what fish doesnt flip out of the water and splash, mine has never spit out food, bumped into the glass or anything, all he does that bugs me is moves his little tunnel around and digs all the rocks out of inside but then i just move the tank around and flatten out the rocks again and he chills out for a few days