aquarium question

bought a 60 gallon fish tank at petsmart today since it was on sale and i’ve wanted a bigger tank for a while. What kind of fish or other animals can I get in addition to the fish to cut down on algee growth and keep the eco system happy. I would like to get some live plants also. So far we only have 2 goldfish and a picosamis (algee eater) we haven’t decided exactly what additional fish we want to buy.

im not a pro, but snails eat algee and are cheap as fuck as well as catfish I think that suck on the walls… Def snails though.

2 goldfish in a 60?? How big are they? The pleco will help with algae consumption a lot. Live plants are always a good addition as well.

You’ll have a million snails in no time lol, they keep popping up!

Fuck snails, they’ll keep breeding and can potentially become a problem. As far as pleco’s go- the common brown plecostomus will eat algae when its younger but as they get bigger they tend to go for processed food more and more. Check out something like an albino bristlenose pleco. They’re small, cheap and extremely hardy. They stand out too, they’re pretty cool to look at. And then theres always chemicals you can add to the tank to help with the algae. Algae is caused by an abundance of phosphorous I believe so things like frequent water changes will help too.

toomanycamaros, notenoughfish

They aren’t that big only about 4 inches and the algae eater is about 3. We had the 3 of them in a 10 gallon. I just bought the tank this afternoon and got it filled with water. I got the water temp and the wife wanted to put the fish in tonight and so far so good.

Weekly water changes help a lot, with vacuuming the gravel when you do it. A pictus cat is a nice bottom feeder as well, pretty cool looking and very active

nice, any plans for other fish?

yes I’m going to buy more this weekend. Had to get the tank setup first so the fish wouldn’t die in the bag waiting

There were some little sharks that were very colorful and active at the pet store that looked.

Buy my wolf fish!!

not really my taste thats a rather nasty looking animal

Haha yeah he’s a mean mother fucker!!

I like tiger oscars. I had one once. I have yet to setup a fish tank again, havent had one in years. mhm

I have a tiger Oscar now in my 55g, coolest fish ever. He knows who I am, greets me and shit, and I can hand feed him. My gar is pretty cool too, he let’s me pet him lol

aren’t oscars fairly dirty though? I a friend of mine had one for a while, seemed to make a mess of the tank very quickly

Yeah they can be very messy, I have my tank over filtered and its been fine for over a year. They like to re decorate the tank if they don’t like it lol

My goldfish did that with the other tank. They pulled all the fake plants out and pushed them around the tank. I gave up burying them after a while. I think I’m gonna buy a pair of the sharks and a couple of the small brightly colored guppies or whatever they are.

Tetras? And maybe red tailed sharks? or the iridescent ones? I love neon tetras. Last tank I had was 10-12 neon tetras and 4 Tiger barbs. Those are all smaller fish, but it was a nice setup.