aquarium guys in here

well after listening to my kids whine for a while about wanting a fish tank and so on i bought them one
its a 30 gal tank i bought the heaters ,filters o2 pump and so on for the tank along with numerous little figuerenes and shit for deco ,now my question is what kind of fish are good for beginers and so on ? im not lookin into doin a saltwater setup just a freshwater deal like i said i have the heaters for the tank and stuff ,my son likes the colorfull b-s fish and stuff whats good and whats not as far as fish go and tank setup .

paging laduke… srsly

i went to eddies today and noone was there .besides after i thought about it he prolly woulda sold me a shit setup ,esp after i busted on him for last nights escapades

Haha nahhh… laduke wouldn’t fuck you. There’s only one person I know that he would screw over :ninja.

goldfish will survive anything… lol. You can go tropical, but they are a little more touchy and a little more expensive. Goldfish are where its at for kids.

x2, and when they die they will be easier to find one that looks the same to replace it before the kid sees it


Goldfish are cool, but messy. Tetras, Danios, Guppies, etc… I have a bunch of each with a giant gold fish in my 46 and couldn’t get much easier. I do a 25% water change every few weeks and add in Tetra Nitraban (weekly) and aquarium salt (reaplace what i took out with water change), and the tank has been rock solid for quite a long time. Getting rid of goldfish soon to either my pond or to a friend.

An African cichlid tank would be a good freshwater setup. Some species are as colorful as saltwater species and have the same type of “personality.” The cichlids from Lake Malawi seem to be the most colorful and are more aggressive than the ones from Lake Tanganyika and Victoria. Eddie’s Aqua has a good selection of these. I used to have a 55g Tanganyika with these in it


Tropheus Moorii

Goldfish were almost always floating the next morning at my house. Very rarely did they ever live more than a week or two.

i’ve never had issues with them. Did you get the feeders from the store or the actual goldfish??? The feeders are usually kept in harsher environments b/c they are not supposed to be kept, just used as food.

I thought they were normal goldfish. We used to get them at Woolworth when I was a kid.
I think its an issue with our town water. We stopped bothering with fish years ago.

Dog > fish.

Danios, Barbs,Mollies, Platies, Different types of tetras excludes neons … Do NOT mix them with goldfish . Eddies is closed on mondays.

definitely get something hearty like the tetras, barbs, danios, guppies, mollies, an maybe a gourami or something. I’ve been doing it for a while, but srsly, Dukey Laduke has the right answers.

we just picked up a couple tetras, some guppies, etc and 2/4 tetras have died already. I hate those damn things.

yea talk to laduke about figurenes

Dude I woulda hooked you up with a tank setup for CHEAP!! Fuck!

For stocking in a 30G I would NOT do goldfish, they are super messy and can get huge, you would have to over filter the hell out of the water and do more frequent water changes, plus they are ugly motherfuckers imo. I would do a school of any kind of tetras(neons, black tetras etc etc), or around 7+ or so TIger Barbs. TBarbs are super tough and can withstand damn near any water temps, and a range of different pH levels. Plus they are super active and cool looking fish that arent going to get huge and require you to get a bigger tank down the road.

Tiger Barb:

Black Neon Tetra:

Or you could do one larger fish.

Just remember to let the tank cycle and have it setup and running awhile before stocking it, and you’ll need to do 20% weekly water changes with dechlorinator to keep everyone alive and happy.

ive got catfish, tetras, frogs, mickey’s, and 2 different algae eaters… have had most of them for over 7 months now and just picked up the mickeys and the 2nd algae eater this past week… def very easy to take care of these fish… hell i havent even had to change the water… it never gets dirty!!! just swap the filter out once a month and its good to go!

You dont change your water at all? The nitrate levels are probably off the charts on that tank lol. You may want to do that, b/c out of nowhere a tank will decline!

get a lion fish and call it a day