I just got a 40 gallon aquarium and was thinking about getting some oscars, does anyone have/know anything about them?
yeah… they kick ass. I had a huge one that used to eat like 3 goldfish at a time. they grow pretty big quickly also. awesome fish
Nice, how long do they live for, and can you have other fish in their also if they are of average size?
I had mine for 3 or so years… if you get anther fish to go with them when they are small they are ok together. 40 gal = get 2 oscars and thats all
my friend had an oscar and a jack dempsey(sp?) together in a tank. that oscar was a mean son of a bitch. we had to feed him thru the back of the tank bc he used to jump out when you opened the top. nice lookin fish though!
Atreyu - If you want an Oscar, let me know. My girlfriend has a big one that she would like to sell. I think she has pictures that she can email. She also has two Jack Dempsey’s that she wants to get rid of. 724-554-9188
I was thinking about maybe like 1 oscar, 2 or 3 medium sized colorful fish, and one of those armored catfish sucker things
he will eat the hell out of them when he gets bigger. ive seen enough fish carcasses to know that much lol
A Plecostomus (AKA armored catfish) might work in a tank with an Oscar. They can grow to be almost a foot in length.
An Oscar and a couple Jack Dempsey’s would probably work. I think my girlfriend had all three of them in a 40 gallon tank, but the one Dempsey wasn’t growing much, so she separated it out into it’s own tank.
just get 2 big oscars. they look real good when they get bigger with the orange…
get a regular one and an albino one and you will be fine
TBeck, thanks for the links, I would like to get the fish when they are young, and maybe get a bigger tank later on.
No problem. I think watching them grow is part of the fun of having fish. You can also train them a little bit. Most of them will eat out of your hand or even jump a little out of the water to catch krill. My girlfriend can get her’s to flip over so she can rub it’s belly. I bet it’s probably 4 or 5 years old and about 9" long. It’s albino as well.
Thats awesome, what size tank does she have it in, 40 gal?
I’m not quite sure how big it is. 40 sounds about right. She has a 90(?) that she hasn’t set up because she doesn’t have the room. She currently has 4 tanks (1 small assorted with Tetras, 1 goldfish, 1 Oscar and JD, and 1 JD) and she wants to start reducing them. It’s a lot of work to clean all 4 tanks every week.
Yea I can imagine, but the oscar and JD do alright together, did she get them at the same time?
She used to have 2 Oscars and 2 JDs in the big tank when I met her. I imagine that she got them all at the same time (she used to work at a pet store). That’s where she got all of her other creatures. She also had some sort of albino aquatic frog with them, but it got beat up. Her Oscars were more aggressive than the JDs overall, but the JDs will hold their ground if they need to.
Here’s a picture of the Oscar:
This one shows the Oscar and the JD:
I have a 150 gallon tank up for sale if you want something bigger.
Nice Pics, Albinos are cool but I really like the coloring on red and black oscars. How much for the tank, any equipment/Stand Included?