aquarium question

Since you got goldfish you have to stay with goldfish . They are way to dirty and do not like warm heated water. They produce more ammonia then alot of other fish through there gills and waste. They are tollerant to it but other species are not .

If you wanna do like a tetra and small fish tank then get rid of the goldfish .If you wanna do aggressive fish like cichlids then get some big ones to eat the goldfish . If you are content with the goldfish get more goldfish.

I work at Eddies Aquarium on Rout 9 , I can help you out if you want .

Get a koi!! Lol

Do NOT listen to this guy lmao ^

Hahaha, I almost brought mine in for the winter, the fuckin pond is already way frozen over

I’m not sure what kind of goldfish these are. My wife got them at a fair years ago and is attached to them. When it got a little colder out I got a heater for the tank since we turn the heat down to 60 in the house. I set the heater to 77 since thats what I read was good for the pleco. The goldfish seemed very lathargic when the water got cooler with lower temperatures during the day. They have been in a heated tank for a while now and seem to be doing just fine. Will 2 goldfish really mess up the ph balance of a 60 gallon tank that much that it will make in uninhabitable for other fish?

Hes going to ask how big the fish are lol I dont think the would throw off a 6og much at all. Their what 3-4 inches?

I would say probably 4 to 5 inches from nose to the end of their tail. I know they will get bigger now that they have a larger tank. I would really like to get some different fish, but I also wanted to give those 2 a bigger tank to grow in.

No idea what kinda goldfish they are tho? They the big bubbly lookin fuckers, or Kong tailed etc?

when did you get a gar? what kind?

my fish can take care of those cute lil goldies you got there :wink:

Few months back, he’s a ~10" spotted gar, cool fish for sure! I wanna sell all my tanks and get a 125G+ when we get the house in a few months

I believe they are just regular common goldfish. She got them at a fair so I don’t believe they are anything special. They look like the same feeder fish my oldman buys for our watergarden at a couple cents a piece.

buy my 125. Im going to a 180.

by spotted gar, I take it a florida spotted? 10" in a 55 gallon is already 3" over the limit for that size tank. You need to get him in a bigger tank asap or his growth will stunt and he will never reach the 20" he is supposed to.

the fair goldfish are feeder fish. They aren’t even real goldfish.

they are fish and they are golden in color. What their scientific name or other proper name is I don’t know or really care. My wife likes them and won’t let me leave them in the small tank so I have to plan around them being in the bigger one.

they will max out at about 8-9 inches. So for right now if your doing waterchanges regularly then it would work. But they are going to be bigger and get the tank dirtier quicker



lmao , Idk the cats got to close to my face . My one eye is shut lol . has been all day

you should take my 30g w/ stand for partial trade lol. I didn’t know that about the size limit tho…that’s weird! How much for the 125 again?

Wouldn’t adding some live plants and another pleco or similar animal help too? I know that I need to do this all gradually so I planned on going back to petsmart this week and getting 2 or 3 plants and then waiting a while before adding more fish.