aquarium question

go to eddies and get plants. Dont go to petsmart unless you want a snail outbreak.

get 2-3 pleco’s if you really want to keep algae down. Dont put them in there until a few weeks tho. Sense its a new tank, algae hasnt began to grow and it wont until all the chlorine dissipates from the water and the Bacteria sets itself up.

now what the hell am I going to do with a 30g? my fish are the size of my girls 55 gallon.

I will take 300 for my 125.

are you allergic?

You can get an algae eater when you start noticing algae growing on the tank . Until then they would starve sense they wont have food. Plants will help somewhat . But you would need alot to make a huge impact . Goldfish will eat some plants, so try to go with java fern ,anubias and other rough leaved plants.

Just stick with the fish you have in there now . Get your water tested in 2 weeks and go from there. You tank has to cycle for about a month till you can get more fish .

Yea but if I touch my face right after I touch them . So guessing thats what i did. Usually dont have a problem .

LOL you got fucked up by a CHEVY!


I live north of plattsburgh bud, so a trip down to the capital region to buy plants isn’t going to happen. I wish there was a dedicated aquarium store up here, so it’s either petsmart or walmart. No other options. I have the one pleco from the 10 gallon that is in there now. I’m going to pickup 2 plants and let the aquarium cycle for a couple weeks.

I put the algae eater from the other tank in the new one. We got some algae wafers with that fish a while ago. I fed the algae eater one of those when I fed the goldfish. I know I need to let the tank cycle. Would taking the filter cartridge from the old tank and switching it with one of the new ones help?

Post some pics of that shiz. What kinda filtration does it have?

your own.

$300 is for the bare tank and top.

Filters and heaters, power heads I need for the 180.

$300 for a bare 125 is still a steal.

another question is how long should I wait to start doing weekly water changes? Or should I just check the PH after the first week and go from there?

Yes that would help, still the plecos arnt really the hardiest when cycling the tank .I wouldnt start testing shit and water changes just yet . Usually you do a 30% changee once a month .Sometimes you can more frequently like 10% weekly if you have alot of fish .But dont change it till the tank is done cycling which ususally take 4-6 weeks. You wouldnt have to test the tank till about 2 weeks . You mainly wanna focus on the ammonia , nitrate and nitrite .

That is a major steal . Ssmokingss is pretty much letting you ass rape him .

Shit Ive seen full setups on for close to that, I may keep looking around.

Ya I’ve been reading about that online. The 2 goldfish are both very active and definetly seem to be enjoying their new extra space. The pleco is attaching to different sides of the tank which is a little different then it’s normal behavior in the other tank. I know that the pleco is more of a nocternal feeder, but in the other tank there was a little castle that he liked to hang out in. What kind of signs should I watch for to see if the pleco isn’t doing well in the tank?

but how much for shipping ?

I did also get the starter kit with the bacteria stuff.

Color is fading and becoming pale. Cloudy eyes and loss of appetite,cloudy water,breathing rapidly

ALL of the tank on MFK are pickup only. 9 times out of 10, they are in another state.

either way doesnt matter to me. I said $300, because your a friend. When I get the new tank I will list the 125 on craigslist for $500. It will sell at $500 because thats still pretty cheap.

Yeah I know, but here and there some pop up around here. There are some SICK nasty setups on that site!!