Cheap Small Fish Tank

So I won four goldfish at Williamsville Old Home days last Tuesday and I told my chick sarcastically that if they lived a week, I’d get them a little tank. Of course, they have the most longevity of any carnival fish I’ve ever seen and appear to be thriving in the punch bowl they’re in and show no signs of impending death.
Anyone have a cheap little, maybe 5 gallon or less, fish tank they don’t use cause their fish died or they got something bigger?

I have a 20 gal you can have for free if ya want one that big

hmm i dont know too much about fish, that seems like it’d be huge for 4 goldfish. Are there any disadvantages to having your fish in too big of a tank? If not maybe ill give that a shot.

They grow. I had 4 goldfish in my 55gallon and they got effing huge.

Yup I have my GF in a 220 right now!They aren’t that big maybe 12".Put a pleco in there as well and watch that baby grow.I have 4 of tehm and I’d say the smallest is about 16".
Also check on CL in the freebie catagory as they might have a smaller one if ya really want one smaller.

Small tanks are cheap
It is the lights, filters, gravel, heaters, etc that add up.
I am sure a 10 gallon tank at walmart is $10

My parents just tossed a bunch of fish stuff at my house in Buffalo, you missed it by a week

When I read you first sentance I was about to call the cops. Not good to post about drowning your girlfriend in a fish tank.
Your wife might read it.

Do you have the stuff to go with it? I’d be willing to toss ya a few bucks to not have to go hunting for pumps and stones and the like.

Have 5 gallon for free. Pick it up!!!

i got a 2 gallon at wal-mart with filter and light for 12 bucks last week check there and a pound of gravel is more thatn enough for it

i have a 35 gal w/ heater, filter etc for 45$

I’ll See what I can scrape up around here for ya.Def ahave the gravel and plants and stuff and should have a light for it.I don’t want any money for it from ya tho.