loiselli Cichlid *pretty rare*

weird… mine must be special or something

:rofl @ the tempermental fish. My Oscars ar PISSED off at me right now. Just threw a wolf fish in there that I picked up from Eddies.

get your water checked out…whats the temp at? and what are you feeding him?

my piranhas are pissed off right now too haha cause when i fed them feeders i just dumped them in and it made a huge splash and it scared the shit out of them so now when i walk in the room they freak out and go hide in a corner

Word. Im not really sure what the temp is at, I think its like 65 degrees. I just feed them fish food from walmart.

That sounds too low. Id do 72* at least!

Alright… Il jack that shit up right now.

Dont jack it up too much at once, it will put em in shock. Id go to 70*, then 72 half hr later or so

All my tanks are 76*-78* avg

Alright… Il jack that shit up slowly

Edit: SHIT IT WAS UP TO LIKE 90 DEGREES… my fucking mom must have been playing with the thermostat :facepalm

yeah get that heat regulated, and try some better food. cichlid gold pellets bring out color so much, also oscar grow and oscar show are great foods

DAMN!! Like he said, try chiclid pellets as well instead of the same ol same. Dry flakes go “bad” too after sitting for awhile… They also go NUTS for bloodworms(pretty cheap >$4) and its really good for em

So thats what you bought with it !!!


how big is yours?

HAHA yup! Shit is HUGE! He wont eat anything yet though, I threw in some krill thinking it would eat it right up but it just looks at me. I always get the retards :lol

ahha yea probably still freaking out .

They say anything ?

Yeah hopefully he gets acclimated soon. The girl didnt say shit :lmao Sooo win!



aha yea, thought so . Do it to s2k as well

relatively big I guess… i dunno