loiselli Cichlid *pretty rare*

haha that doesnt narrow it down much, mines at like 7’’ was about 6 when i got him

I dunno If I were to guess I would say like 6.5-7 inches or so

nice, any scale damage or hith or anything?

:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl:rofl sounds like a real JERKOFF fist :lmao

not too much scale damage, whats hith?

hole in the head :lol

haha yah… he doesn’t have no “hith”

:lol well i think yours needs a friend

I dunno… Il consider it but taking on another fish would be a big responsibility


it would be worth it he is kick ass and not a mess either, i havent cleaned his tank in god knows how long haha

ill trade ya flobby, dad may be getting a tank so he might like this guy

Fuck your electric catfish… kramer told me you use to put that thing on your balls and shit

hmmm… considered

I almost bought one of them…their sick!!

WTF is with all you guys and fish these days?

The only fish I want is the cooked kind.


They have 2 more at Eddies. They are about 6-7"

They are good pets, and actually wicked relaxing

I think Ill stick to having a dog. Id like to get a cat but cant.

Whats with you and animals ? seriously ?