Reptile Owners Come in


what the hell do you feed the snapper?

used to be a HUGE regular snapper at the golf course i worked at, people would try and chase it with a golf club and it would just sit there and hiss and get nasty.


The snapper actually is fed Zoo Med turtle pellets like my other aquatic turtles, I bet there isnt much he wouldnt eat if I gave it to him though :headbang:


Contact RARE-

membership is $50 a year but it includes free vet care for your reptiles

Either that or The Orchard Park Vet clinic used to have a Dr there who was very good with reptiles , I went there in the past but all my guys have been healthy for the past 5 or so years so I dunno if person is still there


I actually used to be a member of RARE. She babysat my bearded dragon for me while I was on vacation. Then they raised the membership fee and i didnt have the cash at the time. I’ll have to contact her again.


I actually used to be a member of RARE. She babysat my bearded dragon for me while I was on vacation. Then they raised the membership fee and i didnt have the cash at the time. I’ll have to contact her again.


She knows her shit for sure, $50 is steep but for what a vet bill could be its a bargain!
Good luck with your dragon, he looks awesome!

Snow corn snake

Columbian red-tail boa

Ball python

Right now I have 2 Kenyan sand boas…see sig
Used to have(not all at once):
2 Ball pythons
Albino Burmese python
Jungle carpet python
Colombian red-tail boa
2 Cornsnakes-albino & snow
Albino black Texas rat snake
Brazilian rainbow boa

I got a m/f pair of RES, had them about 3 years now they live comfortably in their 40 gallon tank, when they arent walking around the apartment or are on supervised outside time. Leo has a good temperment can be handled and wont bite, Leona is a bitch and will claw and snap until you put her down. I dont have any pics onthis computer (mines currently fuckt) But when its back up and running ill post some pics. Turtle guys, do you feed them anything and everything… (live fish, shrimp, steak chicken<cooked)? Or are there other things you found they like an will eat??

My turtle loves worms night crawlers are his fav. Also feeder fish and just the normal pellets but only certain brands cuz hes a picky bitch lol. Also ive heard about snails for turtles but am worried that the shells would fuck him up has anyone fed there turtles snails??

If I didnt have any worms or feeder fish for my turtles, I would just give them deli meats (turkey, roast beef, ham, etc). As long as there was no seasoning they were fine. They all hated turtle pellets…I dont blame them.


My turtle loves worms night crawlers are his fav. Also feeder fish and just the normal pellets but only certain brands cuz hes a picky bitch lol. Also ive heard about snails for turtles but am worried that the shells would fuck him up has anyone fed there turtles snails??


Nah man they eat them in the wild
hell snappers even eat ducks and other turtles and shit
Its just more calcium for them
I only feed mine pellets because anything else makes a mess of the water and I dont run filters

Yeah mine are picky though, they will only eat Zoo Med Aquatic turtle food

I feed my box turtle canned dog/cat food, banannas, other fruits, she’ll eat about anything, she even goes after flys or moths if they get into her tank

Couple more pics of my new guy

Hes a little cock lol

I had to run outside earlier for 10 mins to pull an alternator off our Caprice and since I hadnt gotten to the pet store yet I put him in a 18" tall styrofoam cooler (missing the top) and put it on my bed with a laundry basket on top covering 95% of it

Well I come back in and go into my room to look for the reciept for the alternator to go get another and as I walk out of my room I catch this dark spot on the rug, I am like “Nah” but I look back anyways and sure as shit its him

He climbed out of the container, got down off my bed (about 3 feet up, I dont imagine it was pretty) and made it 15 feet away in the hallway in 10 mins

Keep in mind hes the size of a fucking quarter lol

Glad I didnt step on the poor bastard

he seems fine though

Dropped $50 on shit for him today, aquarium salt, vitamins, water conditioner, small tank, sand, lamp, UV bulb

Stuck him in my living room next to my Tv, heres some pics

where u guys get ur reptiles from, just curious.


where u guys get ur reptiles from, just curious.


personally where ever and when ever, you always have to keep an eye open

I want to get a snake. Maybe a boa, or a python. I really like snakes. What’s involved when getting into owning reptiles? I’ve never owned one before.


I want to get a snake. Maybe a boa, or a python. I really like snakes. What’s involved when getting into owning reptiles? I’ve never owned one before.


Ball pythons are mad mellow, easy snake to care for

Basically you need a big tank, a good locking top for it, a heating pad and a heat lamp/UV bulb, maybe some vitamin supplements

You def want to research it before you make any decisions, tons of info to be had online

Picked mine up off my sisters x-bf. @ 10 a peice i couldnt say no. Also got them almost less then 3 mos after they were born.
But there are alot of petshops around that sell reptiles but i reccomend markheim on sheridan