Official: NY Speed name my pets thread

So, I came upon a reptile collection a few months back, and I never named them due to the fact that I’m unoriginal with names. I want some badass original names for them, so you guys should help. LOL. I’ll post pictures of them and you guys help name them, so when people ask what their names are I don’t tell them that they don’t have names.

Male and female Albino Burmese Pythons, the male is on the right, female on the left:

Female Jungle Carpet Python:

Bearded Dragon, he’s a gangster by the way, he only has 3.5 legs:

Mali Uromastyx:

Name the bearded dragon Claudio, it’s a sweet name.

I’d name the Uromastyx or w/e it’s called The Frenchman, no reason in particular but it’d be cool to be like “oh…that tank holds the Frenchman, he’s quite the character.”

We have an official pet thread, but since the search won’t look at 3 letter search terms I have no idea how to find it. I’m 99% sure the title is “Official pet thread” or something with the word “pet” in the title.

He wants names for them silly.

name the male sal and the femal ami