My new buddy!!!!

Molotov the Russian Tortoise:)

Nice! How big do these guys get?

You should hit up Ron and he could chill with Tragdor

My ex had one of these fuckers and it used to break out and roam the house. Also used to hiss at me. Fuck that vial creature!

I have one, her name is Tort. I took a lot of time to think that up. They get about 8" long, and live 50+ years. I think we have the same dish :lol

they are so awesome!!! so just found out mines a female as well lmao!!! they are uniqly smart and have a personality of there own!!!

How did you tell? :lol I have had mine for like 6 years and when I got her the guy at the pet store said “looks like a female.” She is decent size and not a stubby tail, but her shell doesnt curve toward the ground, like a males would. About 6-7" head to tail.

Females have a short stubby tail. The cloaca resembles an asterisk *

The tail of the male is much longer and usually is carried to the side. At the tip is curved hard “spur” that is used to help with mating. The female can also have a spur, but it is smaller. The cloaca resembles a long slit