My Weekend *PICS* 56k!!

what kind of cars were in the garage?? or did they just have helicopters? lol

nothing impressive in the garage, Range, Disco, G wagon, etc…

who owns that house? The CEO?

that’s the nicest range hood i ever saw.

yeah… that looks like a commercial grade hood… they also have what appears to be a pot filler above the burners, now thats BALLIN!!

Seems like the filthy rich dont usually have alot of exotic cars or the weather/climate could have something to do with it… I heard Warren Buffet drives a Cadillac Deville.

Fuckin A man :tup:. How are those small jets? I’ve never been on one.


Seems like the filthy rich dont usually have alot of exotic cars or the weather/climate could have something to do with it… I heard Warren Buffet drives a Cadillac Deville.


This is one of his vacation homes. He visits it about 7 times a year, it is however staffed 365. His main house is on LI and features a DB9, Bentley GT, among others.


who owns that house? The CEO?


One of the owners/board members

Joe I might have missed it in the thread but what company do you work for? Damn.


yeah… that looks like a commercial grade hood… they also have what appears to be a pot filler above the burners, now thats BALLIN!!


that does appear to be a pot filler. no copper inlaid stainless no care (a la dacor epicure). that shit is ballin.

joe, is your company hiring?


I heard Warren Buffet drives a Cadillac Deville.


I think it was a Grand Marquis

We’re currently looking for more office space…then we’ll be hiring like CRAZY!!! :lol:


We’re currently looking for more office space…then we’ll be hiring like CRAZY!!! :lol:


oh good. ask them if they want me to be the CEO.

i have a couple semesters of community college under my belt.
years of retail.
a year of bartending.
i’m really good at posting on forums when people are paying me.
i can confirm that the board members’ shit is baller.
i can give creepy, leering stares at Ange.
and i have many more skills available. let me know if you want my resume.

they need anyone for accounting or finance is my only qyestion!
damn nice


We’re currently looking for more office space…then we’ll be hiring like CRAZY!!! :lol:


You guys should hire a CIO…


what baller buys a true treadmill?



and doesnt buy one that he can use for his private plane?:bloated:

Was anyone on your trip over 5’4"? haha just jokin looks like a fuckin awesome time


and doesnt buy one that he can use for his private plane?:bloated:


is this too played out?


is this too played out?


so…does the plane take off or no?

Do I spy A Panerai???

Impressive. Not my bag, as if I were ever st00pid wealthy like that I’d leave a legacy of wealth that would have my kids’ kids secure for life and/or build a school in Africa or something, but pretty impressive.

The dude that owns this shit… Did he create this wealth or inherit it?