Myron Cope

Any one hear any news on his condition?? My dad was listening to the game and he told me that he was rushed to the hospital at halftime.



i hope to god he’s ok.

they have a speical on him tonight on fox news,i was listining to him on the radio & he was messing up bad!

agreed… it’s sad

he’s in presby getting an MRI… head injury on saturday and he was hurting yesterday… he was late to the game (never happens) and left during halftime… hope he’s alright

Yeah, he defenately sounded like shit on the radio. He said it was 4th down when it was 2nd, said that Verron Haynes scored when he was tackled on the 5 yard line, and was stumbling and mumbling more than usual. Even Tunch asked him if he was okay on the air, lol… He defenatley did not sound very good, even for Myron.

wpxi news said he may fell sometime saturday sometime,went to sleep saturday night with his hearing aid!thats why he was late for the game!

i love him but word on the street is that he’s in terrible health bc of a lifetime of smoking and drinking. ie, fell down drunk.

cope is classic, madden is a hater, i hope he’s ok :slight_smile:

i heard from my boy whos dad is a sewickely cop that cope was hammered one nite and wrecked into a telephone pole on rt 65 and he was arguing that the pole shouldnt have been in the middle of the road. how true that is i dont know but it sounds like something he would say. triple yoy :eek: hope hes ok though hes a pittsburgh icon.

:bsflag: my stepdad would have been called to the scene and my mother would have taken the pictures…

fo sho!!!

cope is awesome… he’ll be alright :x:

word is he was released from the hospital today. he won’t be doing the game on sunday though :frowning: (only the second game he’s missed in his life; the other was when his wife passed)

Thats impressive for how long he’s been on the air.

He had a mild concussion, Will miss the game this weekend because of it.