Myspace Viruses?

So yeah there have been alot of viruses that put like adware on your profile. I just went threw the HTML line by line deleting the shit…is there any way to prevent them from gettin on there? it is rather irksome.

change your password

I did…multiple times. But always end up with it again.

:rofl: Myspace Viruses = STD’s

then stop clicking on people’s profiles or blogs or bulletins that say " Win a free cell phone!"

the way to get rid of it is to change the password. Tom said so.

Stop choosing shitty passwords.

Someone told me that when the “you must run activeX” thing pops up that is one way they get you :gotme:. it is a mass phishing thing that has been goin on lately. I dunno…I’m not a comp tech.

its actually a worm… its a quicktime exploit. upgrade quicktime now or pay the price :slight_smile:

oh and change your password… the hotness was right about that… but at the same time today, the worm is going through all of the myspace servers.

Yeah I’ve had to delete this shit like 4 times now. Its anoying.

call tom up.

that’s your best bet.

lol yeah right.

just do a spyware scan after each time u visit myspace


or you could just stop going on myspace…

delete your myspace account fast, its infecting your pc…

and myspace is lame, so it’ll help you in the long run to get rid of it fast :slight_smile:

use Mozilla Firefox with the No-Script plugin, problem solved :slight_smile:

change password.
delete your stupid pre-made layout if you have one…my friend had a problem with hers with hidden banners and ads…
and yeah update quicktime.

says the kid with a myspace account

Can’t delete myspace…great place to meet hot girls with low self esteam lol.