Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?


I guess I’m looking at the problem way too in depth, as I do with most things. I do however understand a little about avionics. At that standpoint I was looking into the problem. I wasnt looking at the wheels at all; jumping to conclusion about the generated positive lift under the airfoil. Newman gave me a few examples. I guess the question now is can the wheel bearings with hold the amount of friction created by the conveyor belt. For the sake of argument I still say no:eekdance:


FYI, most lightweight planes can take off before they reach 100mph…if the wheels speed is double (due to the conveyor going 100mph in the opposite direction)…you’re looking at a wheel speed of 200mph.

Your car wheel bearings are capable of withstanding the friction at these speeds. (Though rotational speeds will be higher with the smaller wheels)…these kinds of wheel speeds are nothing astronomical for bearings. Especially for a relatively short period of time.