Mythbusters - Anyone see something that will stop 6000 page threads?


if its just on a conveyor without no added wind. I think it a NO Flight…You would have to create the same enviroment as a moving plane…the wind agianst wings for it to have enough air to lift it self up…is like the plane is at a dead stop…you will have to have it in a enviroment with a minimal wind velocity that plane needs to reach to take off. the plan being on a conveyor doesnt create any wind velocity underneath the wings for lift off…

someone might of discussed this but that just what i think.


OMG you’re right! A treadmill acting on free spinning wheels will obviously exert a force on the plane.


So, I got people here at work talking about it, a smart group of people, at most, and some didn’t realize that yes, the jet engines are ON.



OMG you’re right! A treadmill acting on free spinning wheels will obviously exert a force on the plane.



i dont know if you are being sarcastic or not but…its common sense.

are we talking about jet planes or propeller planes? jet planes no go on that.propeller i guess the theory still the same…it still needs wind force…


if its just on a conveyor without no added wind. I think it a NO Flight…You would have to create the same enviroment as a moving plane…the wind agianst wings for it to have enough air to lift it self up…is like the plane is at a dead stop…you will have to have it in a enviroment with a minimal wind velocity that plane needs to reach to take off. the plan being on a conveyor doesnt create any wind velocity underneath the wings for lift off…

someone might of discussed this but that just what i think.


stop thinking that the wheels move the plane it dont geez!!! its the jets, the plane just rolls on the wheels. u could put ski’s on the plane and it would still take off. hell u could have the plane on its belly with no wheels and it would take off with a long enough runway. u are still going to get air on the wings cause the jets are pushing it forward. the wheels will just be spinning extremely fast

without a conveyor a plane takes off correct?? the ground acts like a conveyor cause it is moving just as fast as the plane (yes i know the ground dont move but its similar to the conveyor)

lol this is getting to confusing…i say NO lift off!!

not the wheels im concerned about its the force of the wind exterted on the plane…or does the turbine/propeller creates this…


lol this is getting to confusing…i say NO lift off!!


its not confusing its simple. just think of a car on a conveyor, it would not go anywhere in the same situation but add forward thrust to the car (ie. jets) and it would go off the conveyor


lol this is getting to confusing…i say NO lift off!!

not the wheels im concerned about its the force of the wind exterted on the plane…or does the turbine/propeller creates this…



turbines exert a force on the air particles moving the plane, wheels are completely irrelevant except to cut down on friction vs having a sled on asphalt


the ground acts like a conveyor cause it is moving just as fast as the plane (yes i know the ground dont move but its similar to the conveyor)


are you saying that the ground is moving as fast as the plane if its on the conveyor or are you saying that if the plane is just on regular ground?
im hoping its the first of the two and not the latter.


lol this is getting to confusing…i say NO lift off!!

not the wheels im concerned about its the force of the wind exterted on the plane…or does the turbine/propeller creates this…


i dont know if a propeller provides any usable air for the plane but all it really does is “propel” the plane forward

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:409,topic:37377"”]

are you saying that the ground is moving as fast as the plane if its on the conveyor or are you saying that if the plane is just on regular ground?
im hoping its the first of the two and not the latter.


what im saying is that you can think of the solid ground as similar to a conveyor cause it is exerting an opposite force like the conveyor. just the wheels will be spinning twice as fast on the conveyor at take off. maybe that cleared it up a little

i see that Fry, Newman, Walter, and Lafengas understand this all with a few others.
These guys know whats up and for me that works so :tup: to these gents

[quote=“XH TNTA,post:412,topic:37377"”]

i see that Fry, Newman, Walter, and Lafengas understand this all with a few others.
These guys know whats up and for me that works so :tup: to these gents


typical leg humper response


typical leg humper response


leghumping because these guys understand and i agree with their logic by actually READING the posts where they spell everything out for you and have it figured out by mathematics, common sense, and logic.


Picture this in your head:

I’m standing on a treadmill with rollerblades on, and I’m holding a leaf blower to represent a jet engine.

I turn the leaf blower on low, representing me taxiing to the runway, and as I start to move, the treadmill turns on, keeping me in the same location on the treadmill, so I’m not rolling off the front of it.

Then I turn the leaf blower to full power and it gives me some more thrust to get up to takeoff speed, so I get going really fast now, but the treadmill speeds up, and keeps me in the same spot.

So now I’m representing a jet engine providing maximum thrust to move me forward.

Quick, someone glue some wings to my sides.

OMG I didn’t start flying…

But wait… I found a piece of string in front of me, tied to the edge of the earth, I bet if I pull on it… YES!! I can move forward…


lol this is getting to confusing…i say NO lift off!!

not the wheels im concerned about its the force of the wind exterted on the plane…or does the turbine/propeller creates this…




Picture this in your head:

I’m standing on a treadmill with rollerblades on, and I’m holding a leaf blower to represent a jet engine.

I turn the leaf blower on low, representing me taxiing to the runway, and as I start to move, the treadmill turns on, keeping me in the same location on the treadmill, so I’m not rolling off the front of it.

Then I turn the leaf blower to full power and it gives me some more thrust to get up to takeoff speed, so I get going really fast now, but the treadmill speeds up, and keeps me in the same spot.

So now I’m representing a jet engine providing maximum thrust to move me forward.

Quick, someone glue some wings to my sides.

OMG I didn’t start flying…

But wait… I found a piece of string in front of me, tied to the edge of the earth, I bet if I pull on it… YES!! I can move forward…


Is this a joke? You really can’t think that the planes wheels have enough rolling resistance to hold it in place can you? The are free rolling wheels. No matter how fast you make the treadmill go it will never slow the plane down. They are free rolling. If the plane had it’s brakes on the whole time your idea would make sense, but it does not say that in the question. So the thrust will easily overcome the free rolling wheels. I can’t believe that people are still arguing the FACT that the plane will fly.

so… if the plane is not “moving” how does it take off with no air running under and over the wings?

no lift off…


so… if the plane is not “moving” how does it take off with no air running under and over the wings?

no lift off…


:picard: IT IS MOVING. The treadmill, no matter how fast it is run, will never hold the plane back because the wheels will not put up any resistance. :picard: :picard: