N2MB WOT Box with 2-Step

unless N2 re worked the box to block the knock/misfire counter(which i doubt because its a controlled knock basically) it wont work correctly on APR software. also of note, APR stopped doing work on the 1.8T along time ago, random file updates and what not, but nothing major, and revamping the 91/93 octane program to work with a piggy back 2step im sure isnt on their agenda… funny how the k03/k04 APR software guys using the WOT Box have limp mode issues as a result of the ECU’s knock counter flipping out.

you also dont operate on a highly monitored/finicky bosch motronic ME7.x system with adaptive controls and timing correction per cylinder. if the knock sensor picks up on any type of cylinder misfire(knock) it goes nuts and tries to correct it. if the misfire/knock counter in the ecu picks up on more than 5 counts(dont quote me) consecutivly the ECU goes into closed loop limp mode… my car can function correctly with a WOT box because my big turbo file. personally i wouldnt use it because it requires taping into the ignition coil harness and i dont want to deal with all that.