Name one book that you own, and have read

wah wah once there wa wa was a g g girl…

T-T-T-Today Junior!

Meh, there are nicer buildings, architecurally, but that is pretty bad ass. I want to visit Dubai someday. by Paulo


^ lol @ JW

Was daydreaming about Micah again…




Where am I?

And where are my pants?

Wow, I’m impressed. You guys are moderately well cultured!

Here is one, twom, you should read it ( as should anyone ).

The Life of Pi

I’m. cultured. as. fuck. :slight_smile:

Cross - James Paterson

no Rudolf, no care

I have dozens of books that I have read.
The latest is “Sheep in a Jeep” by Nancy Shaw.

Does it count as owning them if you stole it from the library?

that book sounds really good. I think I’ll scope out the library before I bite the bullet on Amazon.

Not unless you paid the $1.26 or so in fines.

I wish i could find my collection of goosebumps


Tell me you aren’t polish…

Now what kind of “cultured” are we talking here?