Narrow my rear end?

I want to get my axles and rear end housing narrowed 3" … Anyone in the area do that ??

me too !!!

Sorry, couldn’t resist

wasn’t there a pittsburgh driveline or something like that?

less sugars… frequent jogging…

How about less pregnancy… no jogging isout of the question… trying less sugar…

i don’t think tom’s ever been pregnant…

continental driveline uniontown

Thanks. I’ll give them a call.

continental driveline uniontown 724-439-4189 bud!

Thanks brother

Who does tubbing work in PGH?

what kind?

How about both?

Full tub

Mini tub

I’m going to do a mini tub.

I talked to Bud yesterday about getting the rear shortened. Very cool guy. Thats where I will get the work done.
Thanks again.

That is not a problem to do either full or mini tub.

here you go, narrow your rear end yourself

:bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl: tom needs that!

lol, My doc sez I can’t use that item because I am pregnant. :dunno:

I am looking to go with a full tub narrow total of 36"