rear axle narrowed.

Are we going with 31 spline? Will the stock axles be able to have 31 splines rolled into them? Where are the axles going to be sized? phone number of the place doing it? It ready to roll to the next step.

Ok, just talked to bud @ continental.

Resplining will take 2 weeks, and be weeker than factory axles. Aftermarket axles will be here in 1 week. they cost 240 for a pair, plus about 20 for studs. Whoom ever can release funds to bud give me a call So I can get the axles ordered.

dam two weeks wow,get new ones

no doubt

why was this narrowed if we knew we would have to buy axles? we are trying to do things in a budget and all I see is we need money for this and that.

I realize I do not have all the expertise most of you have, but I thought we wanted a cheap effective car to run down the track.

So far, we have used absolutely no $ from any budget. Narrowing the axle was a known from the very beggining. Where where you?? You want it any cheaper, call up continental and try to get them into sponsering the car.

Your right, because I thought we would use the IRS that was already there… I am not sure how many times I have said this, but I can not event attempt to get anything from anyone until I know exactly what I need. Sorry this build is not my forte’ in car knowledge. I landed a few thousand dollar sponsor with Hinson, and now we are not using any of there parts. I did this before we even had the build meeting. If the car had the IRS in it, we would probably be pushing it around right now.

oh, well, lets use some of those hinson parts.

secondaraly, we need $240 realeased to get this bitch rollin. Thats allot cheaper than fixin up that busted ass IRS that was on the car. Well, in all fairness we will incure a couple more expenses, but I’m pretty confident that going the solid route will be pretty close in dollar amount, and be head and shoulders about in longevity, and performance.

did anyone else think we where going with the IRS? cause I thougth thats why we had a meeting in the beggining.

The only thing we can use from Hinson anymore more is the headers, but with the mounts being moved now I am not even sure if that will fit.

From day 1 hinson was going to modify the subframe, give us engine mounts, headers and driveshaft.

Headers equal teh loose.

The value of claiming stock motor at the negotiation table if far greater than the 15hp of headers.

6.0 manifolds for the win

we need all the HP we can get with added cage ,frame rails etc!!!
the headers & mounts d/s was FREE!thats what we should be using!

why not just use the Fox rear?
IRS are poop
this car seems to be more overly done thne needed. it has more bars then the county jail.

there should of been more meetings!!!

Although IRS might be “poop” it is effective and was also complete. Weld the diff and we were done. But I don’t think we can change it now so lets just push forward and find out what is needed to get it done.

well does fox rear fit without bein shortend? they were same bolt pattern an eveything. if anything just needed find right backspacing of wheels

Car will be lighter with the tube rear, as apposed to the stock unibody rear. We will be adding weight to get it to hook. The car will still be light. 15hp is not worth losing bargaining credability. I guess its an opinion, so if majority says go headers, then lets go headers.

The rear: Welding the spiders on the IRS was never an option. At least as far as i’m concerned. I’ve seen spiders shatter. We will not have to worry about breaking an axle shaft, and spending money on a spool is priority. Since the first meeting when everyone was on the same page as far as converting to solid, the only other question was fox rear of ranger rear. Well, neither bolt it. ranger rear doesn’t have cast in horns on the top for factory four links, so easy choice. use it. That has been over and done with for a while as well. Budget mandates that when jeff came down with wheels and tires we have to do what we can to use them. bada bing. Now we have an axle that fits perfactly, a kick ass rear suspension setup that will hook allot better than IRS and the whole enchalada is going to be hundreds of pounds lighter and 10 times stronger.

Ok, so whats up with the money?

by why all the X braces when you dont need it for drag? atthe speeds this will be running?.

my knowledge only goes so far with building cars…im trying my best to get this done

i wanted this to be for the sponsors

i took a shot at it and never would of guessed pinks would of even responded…well they did they loved the idea and now its turning into a big mess…im beging to be sorry i even bothered

i have put alot of my own time into this…and i wanna see this finsihed i have sat my car aside and anytime i have designated for that i have put towards this car…execdpt for when jeff and i did the exhaust and we only tacked it…

but i love working on the pics car i have learned a ton…from all you guys…

irs would of blown to shit…it was decided at the meeting at hooters to use a stright axel…

x braces i have no clue to me i thought that was supposed to be. but reguradless we need to get together and get this done…

justy order the new axels get them here and lets get this done… we have the engine in just gotta finish banging away at it…

so if some members feel the cage is overboard whatever if we can simplify after its running if not so be it lets please move on…

ok, I’m not even thinking about regreting this. If you didn’t expect this to turn into a cluster fuck at the end then ya should have. So, now that we have all the bullshit aside we can get back to making progress?

oh, and no more of this bullshit… ok

We have about $215 in donations from members. How about I give you a call today Jay, we get the guy from Cont. on the phone, put the axles on my credit card, and I’ll cover the difference. That will at least take care of that item.

Is Continental local, so I could just run out to pick them up?

i knew from the start we where going solid axle,but doing the on a budget the extra X braces (doors) 7 bars through the fire wall is to much,less wieght is the cheapest HP for us on a budget!every thing counts!