Please post them in this sub forum. I have been late responding on occation and I hate doing that. So if you need something ask here and I’ll be sure to see it right away!
As Always…Thank you for your trust. We will work hard for you and give you what you need.
Darryl and the A.S.S. gang!
Hey Darryl, Waiting to hear from Eric on those blast pipes…just a reminder!
Eric should respond today to you. Sorry about the wait!
My bad, your single 3" to twin 3" “blast pipes” with any exit design you want
$200 w/Vband
$150 w/band clamp
Whistle tips are free 
New section ftw! :number1
im in need of a alingnment front and rear , set pinion angle for the camaro seein as the whole rear is all adjustable
Anything fir u Jon…When u want to do sumtin? lol
Build me a Pre-runner bumper for my Trailblazer? Lol
Please learn to tune the HKS vPro system. 
How much to make this light bar for my truck…
custom true dual 3" exhaust?
Need a few more pics of that. But I think we can do that in a day or less.
I’ll bet we can even make it better meaning more locations for more lights etc etc. Whatever you want really
send me some links and I’ll try to give you a good quote. It’ll be a one off you have the only one custom nice piece though. I promise you that!
For sure on this brother. On what for what?
Do you have program and disk?
That is the only pic of that truck I can find. But I’m sure i can find a similar one
I looked at it closure and thats a simple one we can do that …
i think i can do one in four hours or less and this month the special is $50 per hour for fab, so you food… plus materials …we should use a good wall thinkness for toughness and anti vibe…
LMK what you want and we’ll design it…make it and install it…custom
idk figure 3-4 hundred bucks?
Here’s a few pics on different trucks, but it’s what I want.

Tune my 91 Galant on DSMLink?
i see how it is now lolol . i just have to get the bolt ons for my motor bolted on and get the car running . i also have to figure out what im gonna do about my exhaust that is pointing at my frame now cause of my new heads having a rased exh port . soooo about 2 weekends or so . ill just leave the car wit ya lol