Neat artist

i have seen these artist before it is awesome to watch

holy shit! that is amazing




bad ass

I saw this guy at woodstock 94–

Denny Dent and the two fisted heart attack
pretty amazing shit
doing Hendrix


OR this dude philinthecircle

that does a painting of bruce lee with karate chops and paint Saw this on CNN “news to me” segments last weekend…pretty dammed amazing for using no brushes!!!

wow. that’s crazy

^^^^ those are amazing

I want to see one of these Artist live

pretty crazy but art ehhhh

that’s ridiculous!!

sweet i still like this guy with his chaulk

this guy is the best

that was cool

the chalk guy is awesome so realistic!!!
and for bob ross :rofl:

That must take a lot of talent and dedication. That’s incredible.

Bob Ross is amazing, too. Everyone picks on him, but look at the shit he can do in 22 minutes.