Crazy sidewalk chalk drawings..

Amazing, I like the last one the best.

seen some of his work before those are new ones :tup:

That’s incredible!!

wow that takes talent

thats fucking sick


holy shit!

jesus … that shit looks real

thats sick as hell i wish i could do that

the sailboat and the batman and robin ones are my favorites.

amazing :tup:

Thats pretty cool. He’s a real artist. Would suck if it started to rain halfway through doing one of those.

someone should come by and lay down a coat of liquid plastic and preserve them

Best one:

Thats just plain amazing

Definitely incredible. I saw a few of these almost a year ago when he was just getting started, he has improved 100 fold.

that’s awesome… i like the pool one…wish i had the talent.

I’ve seen some of these… some are new though. :tup:

thats so amazing…im at a loss for workds and just dont kno what else today

Fucking WOW!!! those are amazing…

wow thats pretty pimp