NECC Monthly Meeting - June 5 at 7pm

ill be there but i dont know if i can cruise
cya all there :slight_smile:

I’ll be there!!

I was gonna but ran into gigantic financial problems and now i dont have the 20$ for the club membership and i think Jared will choke me to death if i show up without the club fee to this meeting


I should be there going to run Hawrelak Park 1st, im goona leave around 530pm if anyone wants to meet up there 1st and enjoy the weather, maybe do some laps around the park

I’ll have muh radio on to channel 7 while im there

I’ll be thurr but im in my pontiac, till my silvia get here

:axe: correct

I forgot to do both tonight. D’oh!!! :roll:

But I least I miraculously caught up to a pack of Nissans at the 149st intersection… whew!

I forgot to do both tonight. D’oh!!! :roll:

But I least I miraculously caught up to a pack of Nissans at the 149st intersection… whew![/quote]

haha is the route that hard??

I forgot to do both tonight. D’oh!!! :roll:

But I least I miraculously caught up to a pack of Nissans at the 149st intersection… whew![/quote]

haha is the route that hard??[/quote]
Me and RS13 just made our own route. :butthead:

I forgot to do both tonight. D’oh!!! :roll:

But I least I miraculously caught up to a pack of Nissans at the 149st intersection… whew![/quote]

haha is the route that hard??[/quote]
Me and RS13 just made our own route. :butthead:[/quote]

Personally its a much nicer route, less lights at the start and more corners than straight roads

Maybe you can PM me the route so we can switch it up next time.

Good cruise guys thanks for keeping the speeds down!

No, not at all. But it was my first meet in a while, and I hadn’t even looked at the map beforehand, so I had no idea where people were going. It was just fluke that I found the guys where I did.