NECC Stickers

They are the NECC logo, exactly like above, but instead of it reading “nissan enthusiasts car club”, it says “”. This is so that people will know where to go to contact the club if they see a sticker, otherwise all they would read is what necc means, and thats it.

It will be just the logo and no background, just the lettering. Nice and clean.

Is there some way to incorporate both (name & website)?
You make the trade off:
a) people wonder who are the Nissan Enthusiast Car Club and how do I get ahold of them?
b) WTF is “NECC”?

good idea… count me in for a white or silver one

i want white also.

silver or white for sure… leaning more at silver for me

Silver for me.

What about HOT PINK…J/K

White or silver works for me.

dun matter to me, white would match more, cuz i have white Eibach stickers aswell 8)

Now that I finally paid I guess my vote would either be blue or white.

When are we getting those stickers? :frowning: My car needs those extra 5hp those bad boy n.e.c.c. stickers produce! 8)

mmmmmm sticker hp

They are the NECC logo, exactly like above, but instead of it reading “nissan enthusiasts car club”, it says “”. This is so that people will know where to go to contact the club if they see a sticker, otherwise all they would read is what necc means, and thats it.

Now that the web site is up, I think that we shoud change the logo a little. Seaching for the site on google is almost impossible so I think we should change the red necc to n-e-c-c and then in small .com. This way we can have the web site on the stickers and also keep the bottom writing. No trade offs. I don’t know if it is to late but ya that’s my vote.

Well this is why we had votes a while ago, to make sure we wouldn’t have to redesign logos. Also, i don’t know what the logo has to do with google, but anyways the way google works is you have to pay to get high up on the search results. We did apply but google doesn’t guarantee the time it takes to get on the lists, if ever.

I agree about the confusion with the website/stickers, it’s a bit of a problem, but a logo redesign (I think) isn’t the way to do it. Dashes are hard to see from far away on stickers regardless.

I just placed the order for the stickers and they should be done very soon.

Also, i don’t know what the logo has to do with google,[/quote]
I was just saying that if I aw the sticker and wanted to know WTF it ment i would check out google.

I agree about the confusion with the website/stickers, it’s a bit of a problem, but a logo redesign (I think) isn’t the way to do it. Dashes are hard to see from far away on stickers regardless.

True. I just thought I would add some thought that’s all…I’m sure they will work out great.

Ah yea, I get what you were saying. Yea I’m with ya, I was kinda annoyed that google wouldn’t add us properly to thier lists since thats really the only search engine people use.
I haven’t seen the stickers in person as of yet, I’m sure the address will be legible.
We will all find out at the June meeting I’m sure.