Need A Windows XP Key Gen Code

What the title says

buy a copy then, sorry to say the days of pirating windows is over

nah not true…I’ll PM you Brian

not true, but huge pita if you want them to work

huh? its still really easy…

yeah really easy, until you want ie7 then you need authentic verification, or any other new os patch, sp upgrades? now you’ll have to find them on a torrent site etc

lol @ IE 7

well with xp corp there is no authentication.
with auto updates you don’t have to use that genuine installer crap…

so fuck IE 7, you get your updates, and no need to authenticate.

and XP corp is very very easy to find… and if you are concerned with the updates use a good 3rd party firewall, and manage it well

Ive got him on his way…silly kids

if you need another one… go to the library, do a google search for key finder.exe… install it and run it. You will also get the key for MS Office on that machine. Better and safer than going into regedit

^oooh, I could use a new(er) office key. gotta install on a new hdd.


i’ve been doing this a lot lately, not necessarily @ libraries… but all sorts of computers. This way I don’t have to give out my :snky: key

huh, what, where?

sorry but ur misinformed :slight_smile:

it takes 1 little file on top of the key, simple and 3 seconds extra :slight_smile:

yeah the verification can be elimenated pretty easily as mentioned by BuickGN. If you’re going to download a copy of xp, might as well get a corporate version of Windows 2003 Server Datacenter and “convert” it into a workstation …

Thats all I do is choose not to install the Windows Genuine Advantage update and im all set.

IE7!!?? Thunderbird and FireFox >*