alabama hotpockets
Alaskin Ice Dragons
philipino dick towels
The rim jobers
ball smackers
“Basket Brawlers”
already a few rim and ball jokes in our league.
the best in our league is The Monstarz so naturally, we have to top that.
Intential Foulers
i found multiple scorgasms to be hilarious hahah
The Paul Brudzienskis
Rock blue jerserys and have “Blue Ballers”
I almost pissed my self:rofl
We have a team in our intramural soccer league called Liquid Scoregasm…also a team of all blacks who call themselves Deval’s ne. Read it backwards :lol
the nick iguanas
How many minorities are on your team? You could be “Black and Yellow” :rofl
The Ku Klux Klan
or Alabama Windchime Manufacturers
Jungle Bunnies
Cleveland Steamers
the hoodboogers
habib overloaders