NEED ASAP: E36 M3 CLUSTER! Must work...obviously


I got one! Wait a minute…:shifty

Let’s find Benny’s car, he don’t need no stinking cluster…

PM FNskanks he has one

was just gonna say that

its in my e36 now. mine was acting crazy out of nowhere.

Go figure…same thing happened to Clarks here. SkeTChy EvILs MThREe cLusTEr ConsPiraCy going on here :shifty

Clark, did you find one or am I gonna attempt my first cluster diagnose/repair here?

You want to make youre interior classy? I have a nice Mustang cluster waitin for ya :rofl

Word. I have one from a 97 Audi A4 :lol

Got one. Should be here tomorrow or Wed.

that shit is possessed. kill it with fire.

No I gave the dealership the shitty one :rofl
Swapped tires too. :lol

good. we went 140 at a redlight with that cluster in :ohnoes