Need deck for eg Honda.

Chris (Germanpsi) is in need of either a stock eg civic deck or old working aftermarket deck asap.


Stallmer has a few Im sure. I think I got an old Sony CD deck laying around from the Ranger. It still played CDs great. I will PM or call/text momentarily.

I had a bunch but dad took all that shizzle to the landfill.

No good here. Got a bunch of stuff with no harnesses and factory GM garbage from Buick Century’s ect.

who’s germanpsi?

i have some JVC deck sitting in the garage… works as far as i know

delooshbag u got a pm back

its sitting on my kitchen counter…pm when u wanna meet up

y cant he make his own threads?

I got a dc teggy stock cd player with lock out card…
He deff needs one I threw a 80’s pullout tape deck in there just so it had sumtin lmao…
If you want the teggy cd deck $30 its urs

Strictly business

I got an oem eg tape… not sure if it works tho lol but he can have it

I have an OEM Honda tape deck and the Honda 5 disk that goes in the trunk, out of my 95. Im gonna want a lot for it tho.

hes gettin a deck tomorrow

Yeh thanks guys but I’m pretty sure I’ll have one tomorrow from mcfluffy

can i just get my name hanged to fluffy? since errrrbody calls me that anyways


It will no longer be funny if you accept it so, NO!

apparently the one i gave him dont work

ahh come ON McFlounder!!!